Feature highlight - All your artists in one place

We welcome you to a one stop shop for all your artist management needs. Our platform is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of all of the artists on your booking agency, giving you easy access to the info you need within the blink of an eye.

Running an agency is hard work. Being productive in such a fast paced and stressful environment requires you to be well organized, and that’s exactly where Stagent comes in. When you use Stagent, you know that you have access to the info you need within a few seconds, and that that info information is organized and safely stored in a secure place which only the right people can access.

Stagent is the digital world in which you and your artists will live in when it comes to bookings. The entire booking process takes place on our platform, from the initial contract signing to the day of the show when the artist is on the ground with their team. On the phone with a promoter and need to check a clause in the contract really quick? Artist stranded on another continent and in need of a new hotel? Everything you need to handle with your artist can be done within Stagent, creating the ultimate platform and dashboard for artist management. From logistics to financials, Stagent has you covered.

When you use Stagent, you can manage your full artist roster and invite unlimited team members with different roles. You can also manage the booking details up to the smallest detail, such as the guestlist details of your artist's guests, types of refreshments they would like and even dressing room and transportation specifics.

Although Stagent is currently available for desktop only, our forthcoming mobile app will make sure to integrate your artists into your digital world one step further. As our platform grows, we’ll make sure that you have access to everything you need in order to provide the best possible support for your artists.

When you can manage your artists in one place, the booking process becomes more organized and simple. With the added mental energy and clarity, you’ll be able to focus on what really matters - getting your artists booked, growing your agency and growing your artists. That’s exactly why we’re here - to make the lives of artists and their teams easier so that they can reach their full potential.

Are you ready to take your agency to the next level? The Stagent platform is live! Head over to the pricing page to find a plan that fits your needs and start a 30-day free trial or request a demo.

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