How to be the best booking agency in 2022

Running a booking agency is no easy task, especially these days. With so many new artists and promoters changing the music scene every day, booking agencies have to step their game up and be ready to play the game.

After a long period of calmness, our world is finally open for business again. So, what can you do to make sure you stay on top?

Keep on reading - this is how you can make your booking agency the best in 2022!

  1. Keep up your connections

Connections are the lifeblood of this business, and for that reason, it’s critical that you make sure to keep in touch with everyone. Over the past year and a half its been extra difficult - not only because of reduced business and travel, but also because of the general sense of chaos the world has been feeling as of late. Don’t let this overwhelm you, and get ready to get out there and keep those connections fresh!

  1. Meet newcomers

The past year and a half has produced a whole new wave of music industry professionals. Make sure you keep an eye out on new talents - some of the world’s future biggest artists were created during the COVID crisis. If you play your cards right, you just might end up working with some exceptional people. Keep your eyes open, and explore all the opportunities that you can!

Read: How to meet the right people in the music industry

  1. Keep artist expectations realistic

Make sure you communicate clearly with all your artists about the situation at hand. Things are always changing these days, and it is your job to provide some stability to your artist’s lives. Don’t hype them up over nothing, and instead make sure you explore a healthy and long lasting relationship with realistic expectations. Being an artist is hard enough, but being an artist during such an uncertain time adds a whole new element of madness.

  1. Use Stagent

Staying organized is critical for any professional, and the music industry is no exception. Stagent is designed with you in mind as the target customer - we want to make your life easier so you can focus on what really matters to you and your artists. If you want to see how Stagent can change your life as a booking agent, make sure to check out our other blogs and to explore the platform for yourself. It’s time to take your agency to the next level!

The Stagent platform is live! Sparked your interest? Head over to the pricing page to find a plan that fits your needs and start a 30-day free trial or request a demo.

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